Ways to donate to the APC

We depend on your support

Stewardship Information

We are supported only by your contributions and gifts. We do not receive financial support from German church taxes or any church denomination. Your gifts in Euros or American Dollars are both needed and appreciated.

If you pay German tax, and wish to obtain tax relief for your APC contribution you can pay by bank transfer to: Förderverein APC (Sparkasse Köln/Bonn)

IBAN: DE49 3705 0198 0029 0013 69


For those who are not able to make contributions via SEPA direct transfer or want to donate from a foreign or US bank account, try our new PAYPAL link:

For more information on stewardship, tithe giving or donations please contact foerderverein@apcbonn.de.

Beside money, which we mainly use for personnel costs and missions projects, you can also contribute your time and talents to our congregation. Please contact us about the area you are interested in.