The vision of the Children’s Ministry is to grow and develop our children in accordance with God’s Word and His principles for living. This ministry, like many at the APC, heavily relies on you, our volunteers. If you are interested in serving in this incredible ministry, please contact us. 

When: Sunday mornings during our worship service

What: Teaching children to develop a loving relationship with God and how they can live as Jesus’ followers in the world. 

How: Our children’s ministry features:

  • A children’s message during the first part of each worship service.
  • Joyful Bible based Christian education classes which includes (worship, games, lesson, crafts).
  • Caring teachers and volunteers who model the love of Christ.

Where: in the APC basement. 

For information: Contact Angelo and Karolin at


All parents with kids 0-4 are welcome to join us for our weekly playgroup! There are toys, snacks, songs, a craft, a story from the Bible and coffee for the grown-ups. 

When: 10:00 – 11:30 on Wednesdays 

Where: In The APC Basement 

For information: Contact Karolin at